By Alyssa C. Areña and Andrea L. Olivar, Gr. 6-Generosita
and Alfonse Keith C. Corpus, Gr. 6-Sobrieta
September 8-12, 2008 – To creatively promote literacy through different channels and to enhance the pupil’s appreciation of English as a medium of communication were one of the many objectives of the annual MDPS Literacy Week held on these days with the theme: “Every MDPSian : A Reader”.
There were many activities lined up to make the event meaningful and these are: DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) program, Book Fair, Book Picnic. Story-Telling Sessions, Spelling Quiz Bee, Library Visitation, Formal Public Speaking and Book Swapping.
The DEAR program is a 40-minute period in different specified time of each day for the whole week was devoted to silent reading among all MDPS community. The students were asked to bring a reading material for such purpose. A Book Fair was also staged to increase the student’s book collection.
Pupils from preschool to grade two were expose to different kinds of reading materials and experience fun while reading them with friends and classmates over a Book Picnic.
In the Story-Telling Sessions, the high school students from the first and second year levels acted out and role-played an excerpt of selected fables for the preschool- grade 2 viewers.
To familiarize the pupils with the different areas of the library and encourage them to experience the welcoming atmosphere of it, a 40-minute library visitation for the students was arranged and coordinated to the EMC department.
The grade school intermediate level and high school students enjoyed the Spelling Quiz Bee. The Formal Public Speaking and Book Swapping were arranged particularly for the high school students to enhance their speaking abilities and to promote better camaraderie between and among them.
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